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Conducted through the Center for Health and Justice at TASC and NORC at the University of Chicago, this first-of-its-kind national survey focused on the critical role of law enforcement-led diversion and first responder deflection programs in responding to the opioid crisis.  

CHJ is a COSSAP training and technical assistance partner and helps grantees implement evidence-based, systemic solutions at the front end of the justice system to respond to the substance use that often contributes to contact with the justice system. 

Report of the National Survey to Assess First Responder Deflection Programs in Response to the Opioid Crisis

"The data gleaned from this first-ever national, federally-funded survey specific to law enforcement-led diversion and first responder deflection built on the five pathways of deflection, give researchers a starting point for understanding how first responders have addressed the opioid crisis in the United States, whereas previously they could only speculate about such programs. Analysis of these data reveals the nature and number of partnerships within FRD programs; examines reported gaps in treatment, recovery support, and wrap-around services; explores training needs for first responders to reduce barriers to implementation, reduce stigma, and encourage equity regarding who is deflected; and considers methods for encouraging sites to partner with researchers, collect data, and report on the programs’ processes and outcomes."